Cracked Heels

Cracked, dry and callused heels. Whilst always unsightly, and often painful they are entirely preventable and easily treated.
Do I have cracked heels?
Cracked heels are straightforward, if the skin on your heels is rough, thick or flakey you likely have cracked heels. Whilst pain does not always occur, it is very easy for it to develop. The cracks that develop can become callused and thickened, often splitting the healthy skin below which can lead to infection.
What causes cracked heels?
Heating: Coming into winter and putting on artificial heating is one of the main factors that cause cracked heels. The skin on the heels can already lack moisture and this heat draws that moisture out even more. Cold, dry weather: The lack of humidity in winter dries the skin out in a similar manner to above.
Hot baths and showers: We have all turned to a nice hot shower at the start or end of the day to warm us up. Although it warms the body it can reduce the moisture in the skin, particularly if you are prone to dry skin already.
Lack of Moisturiser/Cream: “evolution wasn't perfect but it was close enough”. Unfortunately, for most of us, our heels need external moisture. This means we should apply hydrating creams to them regularly. If it doesn't happen our heels can become dry and cracked quickly.
Disease: Eczema, circulation problems, diabetes, and thyroid disease can all increase the risk of developing cracked heels
Overweight: Being overweight places increased stress on the soles of the feet, including the heels. If there is too much pressure coming from above, the feet can become thick, calloused and cracked.
How do I treat them?
If the callus or skin on your heel is thickened, it is important to see a Podiatrist to have this removed. Our Podiatrists are skilled at removing the excess hard skin around the heels using a sharp blade that leaves the skin silky smooth, strong and elastic. This process is pain-free and immediately leaves you with silky smooth skin that is pain-free and less likely to crack.
Prevention At home.
It is important to apply an emollient that includes urea. Urea is the magic ingredient in all “foot balms” and works by attracting more moisture to the area by sucking it in from the area and from deeper layers of the skin. Regularly applying a urea-based cream keeps the heels hydrated and means they are less likely to crack. Our favourite is called Callusan and is stocked in the clinic.
Invest in a pumice stone, foot file, sandpaper or some other abrasive. Before or during your shower scrub against the hard skin to remove any excess. This will not likely resolve your skin condition but it will keep it at bay until your next podiatrist appointment.
Keep hydrated and drink plenty of water, avoid soaps that dry the skin and avoid standing on hard floors for long periods of time.
Our highly qualified and award-winning podiatrists are experts in cracked heels and its our commitment to provide the highest quality of care to each individual. We are dedicated to providing entirely tailor-made diagnosis and treatment services that get results fast. Book a consultation with our Podiatrists to discuss your condition and we will get you back pain-free, doing the things you love as quickly as possible.