Biomechanical Assessment
A biomechanical assessment is a detailed and in depth consultation where we assess the way that your feet, legs and body move when you walk, run and move.

A biomechanical assessment is a detailed and in depth consultation where we assess the way that your feet, legs and body move when you walk, run and move.
The assessment process is thorough and designed to get to the bottom of chronic injuries, understand any movement issues, identify what is causing them and work out how best to treat them.
Not injured? Even better. Understanding your body will help you prevent injuries in the future.
How Does This Process Work?
Step 1 - Your Story
It is important we understand the history of the injury as this often gives major clues. We start by listening to your story, delving into other injuries or factors that might be contributing to them. We will ask about your activity levels, the shoes that you wear, the duration and intensity of your pain, your occupational status and where you want to be/what you want to achieve in the future.
Step 2 - Assessment.
After this we run you through a series of assessments where we look at how the joints in your feet move, how the muscles function independently and how they function when you are standing, balancing, hopping, walking and running.
This is a methodical process and involves various pieces of technology including 3D video capture and live picture feedback so that we can accurately assess you. We analyse the assessments and use these pieces of the puzzle to put together a picture on how your body is functioning.
Step 3 - Formulating a plan.
Once the assessment is complete, we use the results to tailor a treatment plan specific to you as an individual. This can include short term interventions to help reduce your pain, increase your mobility or get you back to work and sport as well as long term objectives to keep you injury free so that you can continue to enjoy the things you love. We have Wagga's widest range of treatment options at our disposal. These will be recommended as necessary after the assessment process.
We are experienced at providing strength and rehabilitation programs, manual therapies (including foot mobilisation), shockwave therapy, strapping, running retraining and dry needling.
As well as this Jordan is the only Podiatrist in Wagga who able to prescribe and administer cortisone (steroid) injections and prescribe oral medication to help with pain. Both Jordan and Bill are the leading producers of orthotics and custom foot inserts in Wagga.
If you want to know more about your biomechanics call us or book online now.