Ingrown Toenail Surgery
Ingrown toenails can often be treated conservatively but when they can not, they may require a simple surgical procedure to be rid of them permanently.

Ingrown toenails can often be treated conservatively but when they can not, they may require a simple surgical procedure to be rid of them permanently.
These procedures are safe and effective and our Podiatrists are highly experienced with years of practice and training that mean they are equipped to provide the most minimally invasive solutions that require little to no down time.
Your Podiatrist may recommend that you undergo either a Partial Nail Avulsion (PNA) or Total Nail Avulsion (TNA).
PNA - Fast, safe, effective relief
The most common procedure is called a Partial Nail Avulsion (PNA).
This involves numbing the toe and remove the piece of the nail that digs into the skin. Following this, the Podiatrist will apply a chemical called Phenol which prevents that edge of the nail from regrowing.
The procedure is routine for our Podiatrists, it is safe and effective and takes only 1 hour from entering the clinic to leaving. There is minimal down time required after the procedure. You will be able to walk immediately afterwards and fit into your normal day to day shoes within 48 hours. In the meantime you can wear open toe shoes such as sandals, slides or thongs. The surgery site takes between 1-5 weeks to heel completely.
Normal activity and sports are usually fine to continue with during the healing process.
How will it look?
We take special care and use minimally invasive procedures to ensure that once the toe heals, the nail is aesthetically pleasing with minimal disruption to its appearance.
Will it hurt?
The Podiatrist will administer a local anesthetic injection so that you don't feel any pain. We know that no one is fond of receiving needles but you can rest assured that there is minimal pain with this injection. The Podiatrists use the smallest possible gauge of needle and advanced techniques to put you at ease and ensure you have a comfortable and stress free experience.
With people who have pre-procedural anxiety, Jordan can prescribe medications to calm your anxieties where necessary and appropriate.
A total nail avulsion involves removing the entire nail base (rather than just a section).
We perform this procedure only when necessary and in patients who have nails that are sevely damaged, thickened, infected by chronic fungus or where a PNA is not appropriate.
The nail can be "killed" with Phenol or left to grow again, a decision is made upon assessment of the nail.
If you have any questions with these procedures please call or book an appointment today.