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Ingrown Toenail Treatment

Remove and relieve painful ingrown toenails, stress free and pain free.

Ingrown Toenail Treatment

Ingrown toenails are a painful and often reoccurring problem where the corner of the toenail grows into the fleshy skin surrounding the nail. 

This often leads to swelling, redness, pain and sometimes infection as the sharp edge of the nail cuts into the surrounding skin. When left untreated the problem typically worsens, it causes significant pain in the toe as the micro-wound that is created becomes infected and swollen. 

Some people may be predisposed to ingrown toenails due to having wide nail bases and curled and involuted nails. Others may occur by wearing tight shoes or poor nail cutting techniques. 

Ingrown Toenail Treatments 

Wagga Podiatry Plus offer effective, pain free and cost effective solutions to ingrown toe nails. 

Our Podiatrists are experienced and gentle and stay up to date with the latest evidence. 

Treat them early! 

Ingrown toenails will generally worsen without treatment from a Podiatrist. If you notice the early signs of an ingrown toe nail i.e redness, pain, swelling it is important you seek treatment.

 Early treatment means our Podiatrists can resolve the problem before painful infections occur that may require minor surgical procedures. 

Signs of an Ingrown Toenail

If you poke the skin surrounding the nail in towards the nail and this hurts, its likely the early signs of an ingrown toenail. You may also notice redness around the edge of the nail, pain when wearing tighter shoes, throbbing in the toe when sitting and laying down, infection and even pus in the nail edge. 

In more serious cases you may notice severe throbbing, redness extending up the toe, swelling of the toe, thickening of the skin over the nail edge and you may find it painful to put any weight on the toe or fit it into shoes. 

How do we treat them? 

Most ingrown toe nails we see in the clinic are able to be resolved on the spot in on of our 30 minute skin and nail consultation appointments. In this case, the Podiatrist is able to expertly and painlessly remove the offending piece of nail without cutting the skin and without requiring any local anaesthetic or down time after the appointment.

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